Assisting students in need since 1992
The Tutoring-Aid Society (TAS) coordinates tutoring services and provides funding for Metro Vancouver students whose financial constraints prevent them from accessing high-quality, certified teacher tutors.
Throughout the years, we have assisted over 500 students to achieve their full potential. Post-pandemic, these challenges are more prevalent than ever. We want to ensure that these students get the educational help they need to succeed.
Ways to help
TAS provides free one-on-one virtual tutoring for students who are struggling in school, helping them gain the skills and confidence needed to succeed. This would not be possible without the help from our sponsors. Please consider supporting our charity using the options below.
- Donation is secure and easy through Canada Helps and is tax refundable.
- All proceeds go to funding the students’ tutoring.

Donate today
Every contribution, big or small, makes a significant difference to us.

Donate monthly
As little as $10 a month can add up to a priceless gift for countless deserving kids.

Sponsor a student
Your donation to cover one child’s participation ensures that more children receive the critical support they need to move forward in school and ultimately, complete their educations.
Who We Serve
We serve Metropolitan Vancouver elementary and high school students. Students are referred to TTS and TAS by principals, resource teachers, counsellors, and/or teachers or by students and families who directly contact the organization.
Students are vetted based on financial and academic need for subsidized tutoring and require a qualified educator’s recommendation. We do not discriminate on the basis of current academic performance but evaluate progress throughout the program to ensure students are meeting their academic goals regardless of their starting points.
We provide an essential resource for students in low-income communities. While a high percentage of Metro Vancouver students face the extra challenges of poverty, TAS for the past 33 years has enabled hundreds of such students to receive quality one-to-one tutoring to help equalize their chances of academic success.

Apply for Support
TAS is currently accepting applications for tutoring funding
Eligibility Requirements
- The grant must be for a child who is between birth and their 19th birthday;
- Family must have limited financial resources to afford service required. (We are currently able to consider requests from households with an annual income of up to $85,000).
- Families can apply for up to two grants in one fiscal year (September through August) with one application and one set of supporting documents.
Thank you letter from S. L.
Thank you for allowing S. to enhance her writing abilities. S.’s teacher is impressed with her improvement in her writing. Her goal has always been to become a writer, and we are so grateful to TTS for helping her reach this goal. TTS has made a remarkable difference in S.’s academic growth. A’s Mother My name is S. L., and I am writing gratefully to your one-to-one tutoring support with the subsidy. My entire elementary and high school life was successful only because of your continued tutoring support from elementary to grade 12. You helped me without funding delays or refuses.…
Thank you once again for this magnificent program!
My name is J. L., parent of L. and L. who both have greatly benefited from Tutoring Aid Society’s generous tutoring subsidy programs since 2021. Our family immigrated to Canada in 2018. Settling in a completely new environment has been a great challenge for sure on many levels and even so for the children, who started schools in Gr. 1 and Gr. 5 with almost none and very limited English language skills. Thankfully, both children soon adapted to the new culture well and made friends. In the meantime, overcoming academic challenges has been particularly tough path, and still an ongoing…
We are so grateful to TAS
Over the past 4 years the Tutoring Aid Society has subsidized my son. Q. was having difficulty understanding Math and was falling behind, becoming overwhelmed, frustrated. Being a single parent supporting Q. and me on my disability benefits meant I didn’t have the money to hire a tutor. Thanks to TAS Q. has had the help he needed to complete the Math requirement and will graduate from Kitsilano Secondary. Q. no longer requires a tutor. We are so grateful to TAS and the teachers, especially Cheryl. She was so dedicated to teaching Q, and to the administrative staff and of…
Extremely grateful
I want to thank you very much for the bursary you have provided me towards having a tutor. I am extremely grateful for the tutoring service you provide for students like me. Having the help of a tutor from your service has allowed me to feel more comfortable with course material in both chemistry and math. I am benefiting greatly from having a tutoring session each week with N. B. His style of teaching the course material is extremely detailed and his strategies for tackling hard questions are vey helpful and realistic. N. continuously helps me find new ways of…
Thank you for all the much needed help
This letter is to thank you for all the much needed help my two boys are receiving from you. Both have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and even despite taking their medication, they were struggling at school. The teachers that are helping them are excellent. The boys are very, very thankful with the extra help they are getting. Thank you very, very much! Thank you Peta for being a super nice person when you talk to me. S. T. T.
Thank you for connecting us
Mrs. Ruth P. has been my son, E.’s tutors for over a year. In that time, E. has developed from a non-reader to reading close to grade level. I applaud Mrs. Peters and I would highly recommend her to anyone needing a tutor. Thank you so much for connecting us in the first place. Best wishes from Mrs. N. S.
Thank you for the help extended to my daughter
I would like to thank the Tutor’s Aid Society for all the help extended to my daughter K. last school year. Having the tutor F. was the difference between passing and failing for her. School is starting again soon and F. has told us that it will be an even harder year than the last. I am hoping there will still be a subsidy available to us again this year. My financial circumstances have not changed. I am still a single mother on welfare. Sincerely, L. C.
Thank you for providing free tutoring
Dear TAS, Thank you so much for providing free tutoring for our students at Bridgeview. The teachers have been very impressed with this service and they have noticed considerable improved in their children’s learning. The school is always appreciative of any help given to our very needy children. We wish you all a happy xmas and all the best for 1996. M. Rainbow. Principal at the Bridgeview Elementary School
How can I express my gratitude
Dear TAS, How can I express my gratitude to Teachers’ Tutoring Service for providing a bursary for a child in grade 3 at the Steve’s Elementary School where I work in the capacity as a Resource Teacher. Mitchell J is a very needy student both emotionally and with regard to academic achievement. I have been in touch with the tutor, Mrs. A. H., on a regular basis. The progress she and Mitchell have made has been significant. Again, I am so grateful to your agency. I trust you will allow the Board of Directors to read my letter to encourage…
A very warm thank you
I just wanted to write to send a very warm thank you to the Teachers’ Tutoring Service for helping my son Jerome last school semester. I would especially like to thank Mr. S. – he made all the difference between Jerome passing or failing. Jerome moved to Kamloops and attended summer school there for Math and English, the tow subjects he just couldn’t quite catch up on time for exams. He passed both of these courses, and now is attending a private school there. If either myself can ever repay you, please do not hesitate to give me a call.…
A big thank you to our donors
Throughout 30 years, TAS has provided more than $300,000 in tutoring hours to our students. None of it would be possible without the help of our donors. We’d like to sincerely thank the following for their ongoing support:
- Teachers’ Tutoring Service
- BC Gaming Commission
- Vancouver Foundation
- RBC Royal Bank
- Edith Lando Charitable Fund
- Hamber Foundation
- The Leon & Thea Koerner Foundation
- Chris Spencer Foundation